Hardware Solutions

If your company or organization has been around for decades, you’ve witnessed a radical change in the tools and processes used to conduct business and communicate with others. Even if you’re a relatively young business, you’ve noticed how quickly things can change from one year to the next. But just because technology is constantly changing and improving doesn’t mean that you can afford to purchase the latest model, only to replace it again in six months.

Hardware Services from NetPros can take the guesswork and high costs out of keeping your hardware up to date through our partnerships with leading technology companies like HP and meticulous attention to your business requirements. Let NetPros handle all your hardware needs—logistics, procurement, delivery, installation and end-of-life management—so you can maximize the value of your IT investment while staying within budget.


netpros_icons_deliverHardware procurement, staging and delivery & rollout


Large-scale implementation, upgrades & refreshes


PC imaging, installation, migration & disposal


Site surveys & assessment


Multi-site deployment


Ad hoc break/fix service incidents


Scheduled/preventative maintenance